Hugely important, Hall PR is appointed PR and communications consultants to a number of publicly listed companies.
Despite being a somewhat less promoted aspect of the service we provide, the work we do in business and financial public relations is no less important to the directors and shareholders of the businesses involved and the analysts and media commentators who report on their activities.
At one time retained advisors to the Irish Stock Exchange and consultants to a number of leading banks and lending institutions, Hall PR has represented plc clients at virtually every point in our 40 plus years history, up to and including the present time.
In this, our work revolves around the regulatory requirements binding on plc companies – publication of results, trading updates, annual reports, AGMs, and other occasional announcements.

In exceptional circumstances, issues may arise and events may occur that focus shareholder and media attention on a client company, requiring the specialist expertise, advice and input that we are engaged to provide.